Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Calendula Officinalis, is part of the Asteraceae family. It is a colourful plant that is valued for the flowers rejuvenating properties. Even though, it is not a true marigold, it is also known as pot marigold), varieties of this plant can grow anywhere from 6 inches to up to two feet in height.
The dried flowers are used in treatment, and usually taken internally (tincture or infusion) or in an ointment lotion or cream.
Numerous topical preparations exist for external use.

Calendula Herbal tea - The dried petals of the flower can be prepared as an herbal tea and taken internally for treating arteriosclerosis and varicose veins, thereby improving blood circulation. Since calendula tea is well tolerated, it can be safely taken as a daily beverage. Two cups a day already have a preventive effect. Calendula teas can be used as a mouthwash for gum and tooth infections, a gargle for sore throats and tonsillitis, and a sitz bath for genital inflammation or hemorrhoids. Or the tea can help to treat bladder infections or stomach ulcers. Drinking calendula tea can also eliminate parasites and arthritis. Prepare like ordinary tea or follow the instructions on the package.

Calendula Tincture - It’s easy to make a calendula tincture at home by just adding 15 grams of fresh petals of the flowers to 100 millilitres of vodka, letting it stand for 10 days, then siphoning it off. However, it’s better to purchase a quality brand tincture at your health food store that guarantees the proper potency. Calendula tincture, diluted in four parts of water, is very helpful in making a compress for open and poor healing wounds. You can treat insect stings, mycosis (nail fungus), all other skin irritations and inflammations by repeatedly dabbing a tincture-soaked cotton wad on the affected area.

Calendula Cream - Many cosmetic skin creams ( even baby creams and soaps)sold today have calendula asa major ingredient. You can find special creams with a higher concentration of calendula for natural skin care in health food stores. If you value beautiful skin, your top choice in terms of ingredients should be calendula cream. It’s also excellent for rough hands and fingernails.

Calendula Ointment - Calendula is excellent for treating wounds, skin cancer, burns and bedsores. The ointment is extremely easy to apply, rapidly soothes pain and there are no restrictions whatsoever to its use in terms of tolerability or unwanted side-effects. The ointment is a useful and versatile product to keep in your first-aid kit or home medicine chest. In addition to treating minor cuts and abrasions, the salve is great for chapped lips and diaper rash.

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